Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What a Day! Lions, Rocket stove and a Football game!

Community support and education is a big part of  Chada Katavi camp and it is always great fun when guests get involved. The White  family was super excited to visit the local community in and around Kibaoni and a morning trip was scheduled.
The morning began and as the White family was on route to Kibaoni their  trip was interrupted as they came across the Chada lion pride. What a way to start the morning! After the lions, their journey continued to a farm house outside of the village. With the help of the White family and Michael Sungula (one of our staff members and community liaison) the Malambo family received a rocket stove and were taught how to build and use it. This will slow down the deforestation on the edges of the park as it reduces the amount of trips for wood each family needs to make.
The next stop was the Kakuni Primary School, where the school had a heads up we were coming for a visit. They welcomed us with open arms and the White family was given a tour of the school and were treated to some local dances and singing as the school put on a little performance for them.

We ended our visit off with a friendly football game. The White family along with Michael and the Nomad guides played against one of the school's teams. It was loads of fun, which resulted in a nail biting game that ended in a 2-2 draw. It was a wonderful sight to see all those big smiles that filled the school.
For more information in the Nomad Trust and the Chada Katavi projects visit:

Thanks to the White family, Bryan, Christine, Jeffrey, Paul, Alex, Nick, Aris, Anthony and family friend Olivia 

Till next time, Justin & Jacky

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


 A day trip to Lake Katavi always seems to deliver something exciting. Guests have had great sightings of lion, roan, elephant and buffalo during their trip, but one cannot leave out the bird life. As the water dries up in Katavi, lake Katavi turns more into a marsh providing an excellent place for some spectacular birding. On the latest  trip guests were blessed with a beautiful sighting of the Greater Flamingo in a feeding frenzy. While the Greater Flamingo is not rare in other parts of Africa it is a rare and special sighting here in Katavi.

Till we fly again Justin & Jacky
Special thanks to Bryan White for supplying us with these great pictures